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As I get older (and I’m feeling rather “senior” these days), I’m increasingly fascinated by serendipity—the way a chance encounter can lead to happy discoveries both small and large, from a great book to a great life adventure. For us…

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Books in paint

What could be better than a book celebrating “the preeminent information-providing, knowledge-endowing, solace-giving, belief-supporting, leisure-enriching, pleasure-delivering medium of all time”? That is, a book celebrating the book? That's what we thought when retired WCEA partner Louise Oborne tipped us off…

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Giving thanks

Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday. Lacking the hype of Christmas (at least in Canada), it’s a time to be grateful for the things that enrich us—family, friends, and food for body and soul. In the latter category fall books, of…

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Happy holidays!

’Tis the season when even hard-working language pros aim to kick back a little. Here are a few suggestions from our partners to help you enjoy this festive month: Merrie-Ellen’s musical offering is The Lamb, John Taverner’s setting of the William…

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Humbug to book snobs

During December’s gift-giving tradition, book sales skyrocket. This is good news for book lovers and for all promoters of the value and joy of reading.  According to BookTrust columnist Matt Haig, though, book snob grinches lurk everywhere. “If books ever…

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