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Putting a price on your work

There’s been a lot of fresh chatter recently among editors about rates. Maybe it’s because at this time of year we’re all looking over our accounts, reviewing how much we did—or didn’t—earn, paying bills, planning for the next 12 months,…

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Giving thanks

Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday. Lacking the hype of Christmas (at least in Canada), it’s a time to be grateful for the things that enrich us—family, friends, and food for body and soul. In the latter category fall books, of…

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New partner

We are delighted to announce today that Lana Okerlund is a new partner with West Coast Editorial Associates. A Vancouver-based editor, writer, and indexer, Lana works primarily on non-fiction books and publications. She is a Certified Copy Editor and Certified Proofreader, a trainer…

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Words and play

When I was a kid, I was certain I’d be a writer. I wrote constantly: poems, stories, plays, cartoons, newspapers, magazines (including the cover and fake ads), and novel beginnings—many, many beginnings. I didn’t care about quality or completion. I…

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Marathon: A word to run with

marathon: (n.) A long-distance running race, strictly one of 26 miles 385 yards (42.195 kilometres). A long-lasting or difficult task or activity; an endurance contest. Al Howie: The short warm-up run ahead of a very, very long outing. During a…

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The art of the query

Carol Fisher Saller, editor of the Chicago Manual of Style Online’s Q&A, writes in her book The Subversive Copy Editor, “To see the author-editor relationship as inherently adversarial is to doom yourself to a career of angst and stress.” Fisher…

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