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What’s in a name?

In March, mature coastal Douglas-firs are 12 months into their 17-month reproductive cycle. March is the time of pollen making, and in April the pollen-bearing cones burst and pollination of the seed cones begins. Pseudotsuga menziesii was first discovered on…

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The talented Ms. Tomlin

There has never been a West Coast Editorial Associates without Barbara Tomlin—until now. On January 1, 2016, Barbara officially retired from the partnership she co-founded with six other experienced editors in 1992. Barbara is not “retired retired.” She continues to…

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Remembering Janis

It saddens us profoundly to report that Janis Barr, our dear friend and partner, died suddenly on November 18, 2015. Her adored husband, John, and other family members were by her side. Janis joined West Coast Editorial Associates in 1997,…

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A hallowed tradition

Last night, it being Halloween—or perhaps Hallowe’en—I spent a few minutes thinking about apostrophes again. My blog writing schedule seems to be governed by dates of note that may or may not take apostrophes (see my April 1 posting on…

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