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Guardians of the lexicons

The countdown is on! The 2017 Editors Canada conference kicks off June 9 in Ottawa–Gatineau, in time for us to celebrate editing and Canada’s 150th birthday. Three partners are presenting: Lana Okerlund—Crunching the Numbers: Performance Measures Frances Peck—The Great That…

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Still going strong

In May 1992, seven editors (Nancy Flight, Anne Norman, Claudette Reed Upton, Lois Richardson, John Ricker, Barbara Tomlin, and Yvonne Van Ruskenveld) drafted a letter of agreement and West Coast Editorial Associates (WCEA) was born. So this month we are…

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BC Book Prizes gala

The countdown is on to the 2017 BC Book Prizes gala, April 29 at the Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront in Vancouver. We’re proud of partner Audrey McClellan, whose talents are woven through the short list. She edited David Pitt-Brooke’s Crossing Home…

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Four decades of Room

It’s a year for anniversaries. As we mark our 25th, we raise a collective glass to Room, celebrating four decades of literature, art, and feminism. Three partners—Audrey McClellan, Lana Okerlund, and the newly retired Yvonne Van Ruskenveld—have been members at…

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