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I read to you, you read to me

It’s late afternoon. I’m in the kitchen making supper, and my daughters are in the living room doing homework. Suddenly, giggles break the silence. Then, the two girls barrel upstairs to their bedrooms. More giggles and the odd whoop funnel…

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Double take

Who doesn’t find a few words stubbornly hard to spell? When I encounter one of my bugbears, I scribble down multiple versions of it, and the correct one usually jumps out at me. For example, is it “accomodate,” “acommodate,” or…

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Reflecting the world we live in

At the beginning of May, I donned my children’s book author hat and attended the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators’ Marvellous Midwest conference in Chicago. I attended many informative sessions, but particularly thought-provoking was a panel discussion titled…

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Handing over the red pencil

People often get a deeper insight into their profession when their table turns: teacher becomes student, doctor becomes patient, or, in my case, editor becomes writer. I’ve been writing for years and have been edited plenty of times. My graduate…

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