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Over the moon(beam)

We're thrilled to announce that WCEA partner Rowena Rae and her sister, Elspeth Rae, have received a 2018 Moonbeam Award for their book A Duck in a Sock: Four Phonics Stories, the first in their Meg and Greg series of chapter books for…

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New book award

We are delighted that Colin Henthorne’s The Queen of the North Disaster: The Captain’s Story (Harbour Publishing) has won the Keith Matthews Award for a book deserving special recognition, an honour bestowed by the Canadian Nautical Research Society. The jury…

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Ring out some old rules

In his new grammar and style guide, For Who the Bell Tolls, David Marsh of The Guardian newspaper offers a host of suggestions for navigating the ever-changing grammatical peals of the English language. He recommends, for example, not fussing over split infinitives, conjunctions…

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