Upcoming presentation: Writing and Publishing Children’s Books for a Niche Audience
We’re excited to announce that partner Rowena Rae and her sister, Elspeth, will be presenting at Editors British Columbia’s monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 21.
We’re excited to announce that partner Rowena Rae and her sister, Elspeth, will be presenting at Editors British Columbia’s monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 21.
Last year, many editing conferences were cancelled due to COVID-19. Although we’ve come a long way in the last year, in-person gatherings are still uncertain. As a result, many editing associations and organizations have decided to hold their 2021 annual conferences virtually.
Over the past few months, I have had a great opportunity to work with a client to develop a mental health training program for post-secondary faculty, staff, and students in British Columbia. It has been exciting to be a part…
Congratulations to our partner Merrie-Ellen Wilcox on the launch of her new book, Nature Out of Balance: How Invasive Species Are Changing the Planet. Merrie-Ellen’s third book, and her second in the Orca Footprints series, looks at how invasive species—humans…
I’ve never really seen myself as a risk-taker. Jump out of a plane wearing a wingsuit? Not for me. Invest in the next hot tech start-up? Not me either. Deliver a talk to an audience of hundreds? No, thanks. And…
It’s late afternoon. I’m in the kitchen making supper, and my daughters are in the living room doing homework. Suddenly, giggles break the silence. Then, the two girls barrel upstairs to their bedrooms. More giggles and the odd whoop funnel…
If ever there has been a year to spread some comfort, surely 2020 is it. We do wish we could give you instant access to a COVID-19-free world or, at least, a reliable and long-lasting vaccine. Until then, we offer…
We’re delighted to see partner Rowena Rae and her sister, Elspeth, are the cover story on BC Booklook. The pair are the authors of the Meg and Greg series of chapter books for six- to nine-year-olds who struggle with reading…
Every so often, a project arrives that hits an editor’s sweet spot, the topic a perfect fit with the editor’s own interests. Such was the case with me and The Larder of the Wise: The Story of Vancouver’s James Inglis…
One of our neighbours has been downsizing recently, and discards from her bookshelves have shown up on the curb by her house. One volume I snapped up was Watch Your Language by Theodore M. Bernstein, described on the cover as…