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BC Book Prizes gala

The countdown is on to the 2017 BC Book Prizes gala, April 29 at the Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront in Vancouver. We’re proud of partner Audrey McClellan, whose talents are woven through the short list. She edited David Pitt-Brooke’s Crossing Home…

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Four decades of Room

It’s a year for anniversaries. As we mark our 25th, we raise a collective glass to Room, celebrating four decades of literature, art, and feminism. Three partners—Audrey McClellan, Lana Okerlund, and the newly retired Yvonne Van Ruskenveld—have been members at…

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Putting a price on your work

There’s been a lot of fresh chatter recently among editors about rates. Maybe it’s because at this time of year we’re all looking over our accounts, reviewing how much we did—or didn’t—earn, paying bills, planning for the next 12 months,…

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Remembering John

All of us at West Coast Editorial Associates grieve the loss of Victoria editor John Eerkes-Medrano, who died unexpectedly on June 15, 2015. I delivered these remarks at his memorial on June 26. Thank you to his family for including us in the…

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