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Guardians of the lexicons

The countdown is on! The 2017 Editors Canada conference kicks off June 9 in Ottawa–Gatineau, in time for us to celebrate editing and Canada’s 150th birthday. Three partners are presenting: Lana Okerlund—Crunching the Numbers: Performance Measures Frances Peck—The Great That…

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The art of the query

Carol Fisher Saller, editor of the Chicago Manual of Style Online’s Q&A, writes in her book The Subversive Copy Editor, “To see the author-editor relationship as inherently adversarial is to doom yourself to a career of angst and stress.” Fisher…

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See also, indexers

Indexers, like editors, regularly run into people who think human indexers have been replaced by computers. “Doesn’t Word have an indexing function?” they ask. “Can’t it index the book I’ve just written?” Those same people might also ask, “Why do…

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