Have some professional development fun with our Twelve Days of Christmas changes in the new edition of The Chicago Manual of Style.
’Tis the (editing conference) season
Conferences offer editors an opportunity for continued professional development, a meeting place to engage and socialize with our peers, and a reason to get out of the house and perhaps travel somewhere we’ve never been before.
Last year, many editing conferences were cancelled due to COVID-19. Although we’ve come a long way in the last year and are now in the initial stages of a global vaccine rollout, in-person gatherings are still uncertain.
As a result, many editing associations and organizations have decided to hold their 2021 annual conferences virtually. While an online format may not offer quite the same networking experience as an in-person conference, it does present an opportunity to attend conferences you might not normally be able to go to.
Here’s an overview of what’s coming up!
The Society for Editing (ACES)
Refine & Refresh
April 22–23, 2021
- Members:* US$150
- Student members: US$50
- Non-members: US$250
- Student non-members: US$100
Schedule: https://aceseditors.org/conference/aces-2021-online-1/aces-2021-schedule-at-a–glance
Can’t-miss event:
- ACES Education Fund Eighth Annual Spelling Bee: https://copydesk.networkforgood.com/events/27436-aces-education-fund-eighth-annual-spelling-bee
Registration closes Thursday, April 8, 2021.
Session recordings will be available until July 31, 2021.
* Member rates also apply to members of Editors Canada, the Editorial Freelancers Association, the Journalism and Women Symposium, and the Society of News Design.
Council of Science Editors (CSE)
Shaping Our Future by Embracing Adaptability
May 3–5, 2021
- Members: $299 (early bird $269)
- Non-members: $499 (early bird $469)
Schedule: https://www.eventscribe.net/2021/CSEVAM/agenda.asp
Can’t-miss events:
- Meditation & Mindfulness Training lunch and learn: https://www.eventscribe.net/2021/CSEVAM/fsPopup.asp?efp=TExKQUxDT0w4MDIx&PresentationID=875731&rnd=0.5795186&mode=presinfo
- Short Course on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: https://www.eventscribe.net/2021/CSEVAM/fsPopup.asp?efp=TExKQUxDT0w4MDIx&PresentationID=876931&rnd=0.7055475&mode=presinfo
Early bird registration closes April 9, 2021. Regular registration closing date not posted.
Session recordings will be available.
Plain Language Association International (PLAIN), Clarity International, and the Center for Plain Language
Access for All: Plain Language Is a Civil Right
May 11–13, 2021
- Members and registrants of the October 2020 Access for All conference: $199 (+$5.98 registration fee)
- Non-members: $249 (+$7.23 registration fee)
- Students: $79 (+$2.98 registration fee)
Can’t-miss event:
Registration closing date not posted.
Editors Canada
Editors Transform
June 12–13, 2021
- Members:* $499 (early bird $399)
- Student Affiliates: $249
- Non-members: $699 (early bird $599)
- Speakers: $249
Schedule: https://pheedloop.com/editors21/site/schedule/
Can’t-miss event:
- Vendor fair: https://pheedloop.com/editors21/site/vendors/
Early bird registration closes April 26, 2021. Regular registration closing date not posted.
Session recordings will be available until September 30, 2021.
* Members rates also apply to members of partner organizations .
European Association of Science Editors (EASE)
Promoting Sustainability in Scholarly Publishing: The Role of Editors
June 23–25, 2021
- Members: £100
- Non-members: £200
Schedule: https://ease.org.uk/ease-events/15th-ease-conference-2021/conference-programme-2021/
Registration closes June 16, 2021.
Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd)
Editing on the Edges
June 28–30, 2021
- Members:* A$220 (early bird A$190)
- Non-members: A$350 (early bird A$290)
Schedule: https://iped2021.org.au/program/
Early bird registration closes May 27, 2021. Regular registration closes June 24, 2021.
Sessions will not be recorded, with the exception of sessions running concurrently. Recordings for concurrent sessions will be available until September 30, 2021.
* Member rates also apply to members of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading, the Editorial Freelancers Association, Editors Canada, the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors, and the Professional Editors Guild.
Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP; formerly SfEP)
CIEP Conference 2021
September 11–14, 2021
Society of English-Language Professionals in the Netherlands (SENSE)
September 16–18, 2021
Mediterranean Editors and Translators
The Style Issue
October 14–15, 2021
American Medical Writers Association
Trends and Opportunities for Medical Communicators
October 27–30, 2021
Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA)
August 2022
Northwest Editors Guild
Red Pencil Conference