Sentence case, Title Case, or ALL CAPS?
One of the most common issues we run into as editors is capitalization—starting certain words with a capital letter or using capital letters for entire words.
One of the most common issues we run into as editors is capitalization—starting certain words with a capital letter or using capital letters for entire words.
Partner Merrie-Ellen Wilcox's inspiring new book is here.
Thinking of attending an editing conference this year? Here’s our snapshot of the conferences in 2024.
Whether writing or editing, I’m consciously aiming for a smooth experience for readers—which means avoiding potholes, bumps, and other obstacles that momentarily distract them, pulling them out of the flow of the text.
It’s 4:00 p.m., you’ve been working since 8:30 a.m., and you’ve got to finish editing a document that’s due at the end of the day. You’ve taken a couple of short caffeine breaks, and you did have lunch, but you…
Every once in a while, a new resource, or a new edition of an old resource, comes along that gets those of us who work with words very excited (think Chicago Manual of Style, Publication Manual of the American Psychological…
As a writer and editor—and a former gymnast who competed internationally in the 1970s—I’m fascinated by the language that is used to describe what gymnasts do. Well, to be honest, having left the sport completely when I retired in 1978…
Congratulations to our partner Merrie-Ellen Wilcox on the launch of her new book, Nature Out of Balance: How Invasive Species Are Changing the Planet. Merrie-Ellen’s third book, and her second in the Orca Footprints series, looks at how invasive species—humans…
I recently finished reading The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right, by one of my favourite authors, New Yorker staff writer Atul Gawande. I’ve been interested in using checklists since the book was first published, in 2009—and increasingly find…
We at West Coast Editorial Associates regularly edit and proofread books created in Canada. And, yes, some of us write them too. Immersed as we are, it’s easy to assume that everyone reads Canadian books. But a 2018 report by…