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Ring out some old rules

In his new grammar and style guide, For Who the Bell Tolls, David Marsh of The Guardian newspaper offers a host of suggestions for navigating the ever-changing grammatical peals of the English language. He recommends, for example, not fussing over split infinitives, conjunctions…

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Humbug to book snobs

During December’s gift-giving tradition, book sales skyrocket. This is good news for book lovers and for all promoters of the value and joy of reading.  According to BookTrust columnist Matt Haig, though, book snob grinches lurk everywhere. “If books ever…

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The fine art of English spelling

If you’ve ever puzzled over why “limb” and “debt” have a silent b, and what’s with the “i before e except after c” dictum when there are so many departures from the so-called rule, here’s the book for you. “For every quirk of spelling, there's…

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Boo to language bullies

When it comes to exercising your command of English grammar and usage in public, are you a respected but restrained and constructive source of knowledge … or a boorish, bullying show-off? What’s the difference between being helpful and being insufferable?…

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