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Happy 40th, CJSAE!

Congratulations to the Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education on the recently published 40th-anniversary special edition!

Since its inaugural issue in 1981, the peer-reviewed scholarly journal has been making significant contributions to the field of adult and continuing education in Canada and beyond.

For 14 of these years, WCEA partner Lana Okerlund has copy edited CJSAE’s English-language articles.

“My work on CJSAE is a perfect example of how much an editor can learn while editing,” Lana says. “I initially misperceived adult and continuing education as evening and weekend classes offered at local community colleges or universities, but I now understand it as a progressive movement committed to building a strong and active civil society for everyone. I’m proud of my long association with CJSAE in advancing this cause.”

To the next 40 years, and more!

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