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Our plain language work follows the ISO plain language standard and Editors Canada’s Professional Editorial Standards. Our partners are active members of Editors Canada, PLAIN, Plain Canada, the Center for Plain Language, and Clarity.


We edit your documents using plain language principles, focusing on content and organization (structural editing) and clarity and conciseness (stylistic editing).

Writing or rewriting

We write or rewrite material to engage your intended readers with well-organized, clear, concise, and usable content.

Training and coaching

We develop and deliver a variety of virtual and in-person plain language workshops, either off-the-shelf or customized for your organization. We also coach individual workplace writers in one-on-one sessions.


We format documents and craft tables, charts, and other graphics using plain language principles.

Plain language assessment

We assess one or more of your documents against plain language standards, identify areas for improvement, and help you use more plain language in your department or organization.

Reader analysis and evaluation

We help you identify your intended readers and understand what they need from your documents to achieve a specific purpose. We also help you evaluate your documents to ensure they’re meeting readers’ needs.

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